UML Project


The author wrote what the 'class' is, in this it was a online shopping cart. After, that he wrote the attributes or the characteristics of the shopping cart. Or what the shopping cart contained for example, quantity which would mean the amount of items that's in the cart. In the end, he did the last row which was methods, or what the shopping car used in order to function. like addCartitem is a function that would add an item onto the cart.

Private visibility is that the things in it can't be seen by other classes. While Public visibility is that the things in the class can be seen by other classes.

Method is features or functions in the class. For example in the shopping cart example checkOut is a feature/ function of the class allowing the buyer to check out his/her cart to buy.

Inheritance is the relationship between classes. For example, in the zoo example he gave in the video different animals may have a relationship/ connection to each other because they are teh same species.

DRY is the acrynon for Don't Repeat Yourself so that you don't repeat what you've already written.

Bounce Project day 1

For the Apprentice level I just changed the color of both balls in the project. Their original color was a blueish and redish color. I changed the blueish color ball to a lime-green color. And the redish color ball, I changed into a purple color. For the lime-green color I made red be 140, green be 200, and blue be 80. I got the purple color by making red be 180, green 150, and blue 220.

Tic-tac-toe AI day 5

The Tic-tac-toe AI is working good, it's working on it's own, like how you would expect an AI tic-tac-toe to work. It keeps going, counting wins and losses as well as ties, however, ties are very rare to happen as there is only 11. The percentage of wins to losses go up and down, so that works since there would be times the computer wins as well as the player. The "o's" or the computer is looking for an open square depending on how it will be able to win. If it's looking for a win in the row, column or diagonal. Depending on that the AI makes a move there, as well as a way to block the player from a win.

Tic-tac-toe AI day 4

The tie function displays Tie if neither the computer or the player won. The tie function checks if there are any blank spaces left. If there is one, then it would not call it a tie. If there is no blank spaces and neither the computer or the player won, then the tie function would be called out and call it a tie.

Tic-tac-toe AI day 2

Today in class, I remixed the second example of the tic-tac-toe AI which had yesterday's answer to professional. So the player cannot cheat and move to an already occupied place. So if the player tried to cheat, it woulnd't let it happen and it would also skip the players turn. I had a tie with the computer.

tic-tac-toe AI

This time I let the computer win. It took a while to let the computer win since its dumb and you win every single time without trying. Not only that, but you are also able to replace one the o's that's already there. So with a bit of experimenting, I finally lost. I also changed the color of the background and the x's/ o's.

Today in class, I played tic-tac-toe against the computer. I chose to go diagonal and won easily against the computer. The computer was pretty dumb as it didn't attempt to avoide me winning. It could've stopped me as I was trying to go diagonally, but it didn't.

Day 8

On day 8, with the resources I worked on the labratory. I began working upgrading certain things. While upgrading things and waiting for the things to finish upgrading I tried working on electricty. I ran out of time so I couldn't finish working on obtaining electricity.

Day 7

On day 7 I continued on Factorio. I resumed where I ended off. With the resources I had collected the other day. I made an automated coal mine where I had 4 mining drills in a loop so not only would it mine coal, but also provide the next mining drill with coal. After having coal I worked on mining copper as well as iron. For both I had the same mining set up, drills which pointed to a furnace to smelt the things. I stopped after gathering resources for a bit from the mining session.

Day 6

On the day 6 I did a bit of a mix. For the first part I worked on finishing the science part on EverFi. For the second I did Factorio for a bit. I started with basics like gathering resources. That's what I did, I collected a sustainable amount of resources by hand/ with a pickaxe. After having a sustainable I went on a search for a good place with coal, copper, iron, and some sort of body of water near each other.

Day 5

On day 5, I still continued on EverFi, however this time I worked on the science part since I had fininshed the math part. At this point it was getting a bit boring so i didn't much on EverFi.

Day 4

Day 4 in class, I continued on EverFi. I continued on the math section of EverFi. So I finished the last three parts of the math, which took a while since I was tired.

Day 3

As I was done with the college board assingments I choose to do a bit of EverFi as well as a bit of Factorio. I first did EverFi. I completed a couple of the work in there. I didn't do a lot of work much I did do some. I first did the first 3 games in the math section.

Day 2

Today in class, I finished working on the other two missing assignments I had. The two assignments I still had were the visual of the innovation and the video of my scratch program working. The visual/ the slide of the innovation was a bit hard since I needed to get the right pictures to represent the things I wanted to present. Mainly because the images was already showing how it worked and I couldn't copy someone else's image. However it did help see how to show how virtual reality works and functions with images. After I was done with the visual I worked on the video, which was pretty easy.

Day 1

I had not finished the college board assignments. I had only given 1 assignment in, which was the written response on my scratch program. So I needed to work on the other assignments during this time. On day 1 I worked on the document with all the code I had in my scratch program. as well as the written response of the innovation I had studied, which was Virtual Reality. For day 1 I worked on both of these assignments, finishing them as well as editing the work so there wouldn't be any mistakes. Once I was done I handed them in I focused on the other two college board missing assignments.

Factorio Day 3

On Friday in class, I decided to do a solo game on Factorio. I started by doing somethimg similar to before but I changed a couple of things. Before getting started, I had to travel in search of a better place, where I can find copper, iron, and coal in a convinent spot. Not where it's too far apart. I used wood as fuel to begin with. I started mining Iron to obtain several pickaxes to manually mine coal. after I replaced the wood with the coal I had mined. I began auto mining coal after obtaining a stable amount of coal manually. copper was the last thing I began mining. Later, I began working on the lab for upgrades, I looked into automation upgrades, as I thought it might have been the best things to focus on. I used the same webpage, “Board Index.” Tips, Designs, & Tricks,, to see designs I could work on and would be useful/beneficial. There were a lot, but I thought the desings should wait until I knew that the basic resources, coal, iron, and copper, could be mined efficiently.

Factorio Day 2

At the start of class we look for tips and stuff for getting started in factorio. I used the website, “Board Index.” Tips, Designs, & Tricks,, to look for anything I can use to improve the way I play Factorio. When I started playing I used auto mining drill to auto mine coal while it also feeds each other. It got fuel started up for me. After, I moved on to mining and smelting copper as well as iron. Once I had an enough amount of copper and iron I used the steam engine, boiler, and offshore pump to begin using electricity and the labratory.

Factorio Day 1

Today in class, we were playing factorio where we are in an aline planet trying to survive. I collected resources before doing any machinery. So I was mining coal, copper, iron, trees, etc. Before mining I was trying to find a place that was a good spot, in which had resources near each other, since where I spawned wasn't a really good spot. After everything, I begun to work on mining drills and furnaces. I was just trying to learn how things work inside the game.

Brainstoriming Project Ideas

A maze or maze simulator. The maze simulator would allow someone to create a maze, even the person that would be playing it. Then it woudl be able to be solved using the arrow keys. The sprite would be the one the person can control. It would be either easy or hard depending on what the person playing wants it to be. If the character touches out, it would go back to the start. Or the maze could already be made and change based on level and change once it's done it would change to the next level.


I was learning how to use scratch by making my own project based of the lesson we had today. The program I did was just using a sprite from scratch and changing its costume so it changes color the entire time. In the code, I made my own block and defined my block with a forever function. The code will change constumes, move 10 steps, and bounce once it reaches the edge forever.

Binary to Hex

To convert binary to 10 based numbers you'll need to add/ multiply like 0011 would be (1 x 2) + (1 x 1) which will be 3.

The ConvertBinaryToHex would help organize the programs complexity because it has 4 rows which will help show 8 slots for binary. It organizes so the number doesn't get to large and it's under a certain code to change the way the program is and what it does. Each program would be under a different section. It helped to be able to work on something without getting confused with all the other codes.

Smart Cities

The article I read was about "Smart Cities". It was about putting technology into cities in order to provide wiht better efficiency when doing things. For example, A way it was inplemtted was by using a IoT based infrastucture on garbage. This way it was able to tell how full the garbage was and the fastest route to pick up the trash. It would help many things in a more efficient way while using less resources and still being able to help a treamendous amount.

The way this innovation would impact society is by bringing a new world, that is more efficient and produce less waste. In Barcelona it was used and helped save over 75 million euros. If the innovation is able to help save a ton of money then it would only show how the innovation will bring a new efficient and beneficial way to do things.

Robot through mazes

In the apprentice program the robot ended up at the same spot it started, facing the same direction. The robot was told to move two up and turn right, this was done four times. The robot essentially went around in a square.

The "forward" block was helpful in organizing the complexity because it would show the code that it was connected to which would make the robot to move forward. The forward code helped by showing that the code for the robot to move forward was that one. So the robot moving in another direction would not be mixed up. Also, to be able to name the other codes of direction easier to identify. Moving the robot in all four direction would require a different code so naming it by the direction helps identify what the code is and what it does.

My own ship


I used glitch to create my program/ spaceship. The program shows each step taken to make the spaceship. Each part that would build the spaceship is represented as a step. The way the program works is by using the function of a rectangle and an ellipse to create a figure from shapes. It also, uses the function fill and stroke to give the sapceship the color I want and an outline if I wanted.


A problem I ran into was the organization of my codes. The codes look like a mess. The ellipse and rectangle codes were a lot to make and got a bit confusing where each code was and what step is a part of. Each step had the exact same code as the previous code, so to for example, if I had step 18, then the code I would have would contain the codes of everything I used previously for step 17. I tried to use a solution where a function will use the previous function and make the new step, but it got confusing after a lot of steps. Instead I use the same old method I was usign except I made comments to seperate each step. it became easier for me to see the codes that each step had.

Another problem I had was the colors, not choosing what colors to use, but keeping each color for each step the same. Since my code for each step was hard to keep track so was the color. Towards the end I added other shapes with different colors so in order to add thsoe I also needed to add the original color again so the other shapes from the steps didn't get affected.

This is image shows the last few steps of the spaceship code. It is not clear what each one was was normally supposed to do, but it is visible to see how a big chunck of similar codes was for a step that was higher. I needed to use multiple fill's and stroke codes, to get the color and not change the color for the parts I don't want. This also shows how much of a trouble the codes were to organize and keep check.

Ship Assembly

My program was supposed to show the step process on how to construct a certain space ship. It showed how each step would look like after it is done. My program was suppoesd to work by showing an image that replicates the one given to use.

A challenge that was discovered was trying to get a color that matched the original, getting each shape the same for each step. Also, being on the same page as the partner because we approached the task in different ways so it was kinda hard to do what we had to since we had two different ways to complete it.

The problems were handled by just doing what we were going to do on our own, but when we switched places we would say what we have done already and/or what we were going to do next. Also, on one computer we had both the image we had to copy and the color code needed for the shape.

How a Computer is Setup

The parts give funciton to the computer in different ways such as the mouse, keyboard, hdmi, etc. They are connceted to diferent parts of the computer like the mini pc, which plays a big role in making the computer function.

Article Reading

One of the articles I read about was about augmented reality works. It was about bringing ficiton into a reality. It was about how many mobile apps like Pokemon Go, made the fictional pokemon world into reality. This was done by having people move in the real world to capture virtual pokemon's and obtain virtual items. It has also been used in creating a virtual space for people could see space, it's called Google SkyMap.

Another article I read was about how biometrics works. This article was about using physical traits as a security system. Instead of using passwords or keys, you'll be able to use handwriting, voice, etc. as a way of security. This was shown to be safer since anyone could figure out passwords or keys may not be around. Using biometrics would record a basic information about you, store it as a code or graph, and then compare the trait presented with the one it has information on.

The first article about augmented reality has an impact on society because a mobile game came out that shows what augmented reality is. The mobile game called Pokemon Go was a game that made a virtual world involving the real world. The game was a big hit, it became very popular very quickly. If there's more games or different uses that can make it a big hit, could impact society in different ways.

Schedule Program

My program was suppposed to create the schedule I had, Monday to Friday, all seven periods. The program had Monday and all the classes I had on that day. It was the same for the rest of the week.

The way the program worked was by using the code text(schedule[ ], number, number) and schedule[ ]=" ". Inside the brackets would go a number representing the period. inside the quotes was the name. Number represented the coordinates where I want the text to be in.

A challenge to making the program was remembering that the number inside the brackets had to be different. If not it won't display. Also, trying to finish the work was a problem since it was a long thing to do.

The problem were handled was by having our partner check if something was right. Also, by using an actual schedule to know what was supposed to go where.

Scratch Program


What my program does / supposed to do is that when the black circle line has touched the red dot. The red dot would change color when it meets with circle. The program would show how the doppler effects works. The black circle represents the sound waves of something, whether it be light or sound. The dot inside the circle shows the source that the wavelength would be coming from.


A problem that I ran into was not remembering how to use scratch. Going back and remembering what everything does was a bit hard to remember. It was worse since my program needed me to remmeber what each code does and how to use each one. The way I solved it was by trying to improvise what my program was supposed to do. I didn't exactly solve it, but I tried.

Straw Bridge Structure

The bridge I worked on with my group was different than what other groups were doing. Instead of making a bridge that looked similar to the birdges we have on Earth, the bridge was like a mess. The bridge used parts that were from other birdges, recycled parts. After obtaining the parts, they were just taped together and the table. After the birdge just had to be extended to reach farther.

A challenge we faced was working togther to actualy create a structured birdge, that had support. The bridge was a mess since it wasn't noticable what the parts were. There wasn't a support at the bottom or the top. Tape was aslo just added everywhere. One of my teammate did what he thought would be a good idea. The way we tried to solve the porblem was doing the least we can do to at least make it a bit stronger. We did this by adding some extra support to the parts that were already there. The problem wasn't exactly solve to the point we could've, but we tried.

Another challenge that showed up was communcation. Between each other there wasn't anything being said about what we wanted to do/ build. It was more of one person doing work and others waiting. The idea came from one person and they carried it out. Ideas from other members of the group wasn't really part of the structure. What we tried to do was to make it better was doing what we thought would help the bridge on our own. If we saw something that could use support it would be easier

Research Topic

Today in class, I researched about the self-driving cars. Autonomous cars would mean safer driving since they won't suffer from any problems humans have. This is especially because the accidents that happen are caused by humans. The only problem would be that it's illegal in certain states and the cars will be needed to be test drived with humans driving cars as well.

One of my partners was researching about pet robots. one of the things that they are good at is picking things up and giving it to the owner. There is still things to be tested and improve of the robot pets.

Source I studied!

Hex Table

  • What was my program supposed to do?
  • My program is supposed to contain 17 text commands that contains binary, 10 based, and hex. When the text command was put into script.js and showed our work there was 3 columns. The left column shows the binary numbers, the middle column contains the 10 based numbers, and the right columns contains the hex column.

  • What happened during the coding?
  • Me and my partner had to make each column for hex, binary, and 10 based. We also had to change the coordinates to be abel to see the numbers in rows.

  • How things went in generally and/or how I felt about it?
  • At first it looks confusing, but with each other it was easy to understand and do, especially since we were on the same page.